The Emotional Impact of Infertility: Coping Strategies and Support Resources

Infertility is more than just a biological or medical issue – it also takes a massive emotional toll on couples. With roughly 1 in every 6 people globally suffering from infertility, millions of individuals are exposed to the exhausting experience that comes with it. Repeated failures at attempts to conceive children not only put a damper on self-esteem but can also hurt relationships. Overall, the emotional effect of infertility can cause significant stress, depression, and related psychological issues.  

While modern IVF treatments can help infertile couples, going through them can still come with a psychological toll. This article explores the emotional impact of fertility and helps you with effective coping strategies. 

Exploring the Emotional Effect of Infertility Issues

The emotional effect of infertility problems runs deep, often accompanied by the fear of isolation, abandonment, and judgment. Men and women dealing with infertility experience a variety of emotions that might be difficult to manage. These may range from anger and sadness to grief and shame, fueled by a sense of great loss. Let’s explore the emotional effect of infertility issues in detail. 

Stress and Anxiety 

Obstacles in achieving one’s parenthood dreams can naturally be a cause of stress. Additionally, infertility treatments come with a lot of uncertainties, too. These, combined with the associated financial stress, can cause a great deal of anxiety. 

A Sense of Loss and Grief

Infertility is often accompanied by a strong sense of grief or loss. This loss could be of parenthood, future plans, or chances of genetic continuity. The resulting grief can lead to various negative emotions and mental states, including denial, depression, anger, bargaining, and forced acceptance. 

Strained Relationships

The emotional effect of infertility also originates from its effect on relationships. It may impact communication and intimacy between couples. Besides the disruption in future plans for parenthood and other future goals, conflicts may also arise due to coming materials. 

Abandonment and Social Isolation

Oftentimes, women experience abandonment by their partners and other close ones due to infertility issues. Due to the social stigma and misunderstanding that exists around infertility, it can also be difficult for individuals to seek support or share experiences, leading them to feel isolated. 

Coping Strategies for the Emotional Effect of Infertility Issues


Couples and individuals need not necessarily struggle with the emotional impact of fertility problems. The following coping strategies can prove helpful: 

Open Communication

First and foremost, couples grappling with infertility must be able to communicate freely with each other. Emotional expression is crucial to understanding what the significant other is going through. Talking honestly and openly about concerns and feelings can help couples avoid misunderstandings and other relationship challenges. 


Self-care is fundamental to keeping oneself healthy – both physically and emotionally. Maintaining a balanced diet, getting sufficient rest, and taking part in relaxing and enjoyable activities can help keep depression and anxiety at bay. 

Seeking Emotional Support

At times of emotional distress, friends and family can provide much-needed support. With a support system to back them up, couples can navigate infertility and IVF treatments much better. Couples who are struggling with infertility or have done so in the past can help each other through online forums and support groups. 

Cognitive reappraisal

Cognitive reappraisal strategies can significantly lessen the emotional burden that comes with infertility treatments. Couples can shift their perspective to a more positive note, viewing the IVF process as a chance at learning and personal growth. Focusing on the positive aspect of the process, such as the potential for a successful pregnancy, can also help reduce stress and anxiety. 

Setting Boundaries 

Couples should discuss and set healthy boundaries – not only between themselves but also with friends and family. For instance, they may choose to limit the number of people who’d be made aware of the IVF process and set specific boundaries for family members, pressuring them to have kids. 

Keeping Expectations Realistic

It also helps to set realistic expectations when going through IFV treatments. Couples should communicate their expectations with each other freely, respecting each other’s choices and making reasonable compromises when needed. Having realistic expectations also lowers the likelihood of disappointment and grief in case the IVF process fails to deliver the desired results. 

Where to Find Support Resources to Tackle the Emotional Impact of Infertility?

Unfortunately, not every individual or couple has a dependable support system to rely on. Many lack dependable friends or family to talk to about their infertility challenges and seek advice from. The situation is even worse for those surrounded by judgmental relatives who might shun them for their infertility. At such times, it helps to reach out for other support resources outside one’s immediate circle. 

Professional Counselling

An experienced counsellor can help you embrace reality more easily and learn to live with the condition. Leading fertility clinics and hospitals have counsellors who can guide you on the best course of action and tailored treatment plans. Counselling is often crucial to preventing and eliminating depression and anxiety in individuals grappling with infertility. 


Those dealing with severe depression and anxiety may consider opting for therapy instead. While the purpose is similar to counselling, therapy offers a deeper solution to emotional struggles. Therapists can address the psychological impact of fertility effectively, providing you with the tools it takes to cope with the situation. 

Support Groups

Individuals and couples may also join various online or local support groups to connect with others who have struggled with infertility. A support group provides a safe place to express one’s concerns and thoughts to individuals who would understand. It also allows the exchange of helpful tips, advice, and various perspectives. 

Online Forums

In the age of the internet, it’s not difficult for individuals to seek guidance on online forums. While one should be careful about sharing any private or personal information publicly, online forums offer a means to find more support resources. Other users on these forums can share helpful online resources or offer references to counselors, therapists, and clinics they have benefitted from. 


Clearly, infertility isn’t just a biological condition – its toll on your mental health can be immense. It is up to you to take charge of your mental well-being by reaching out for support when you need it. In case your immediate circle isn’t supportive enough, support groups and online forums can be a good alternative. The most important part, however, is clear communication between you and your partner. 

In any case, professional assistance can go a long way in helping you tackle the emotional effect of infertility. Whether you need help accepting the reality or require some guidance on maintaining a healthy relationship as you try to navigate your IVF journey, therapy and counselling can really pay off. 

At Santokh Hospital, we offer comprehensive fertility treatments as well as psychological therapies. With mental health professionals on board, we are able to help infertile individuals and couples comprehensively, providing them with the necessary support. 

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